Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Should Alexander Keith's implement this marketing campaign??

Alexander Keith’s is one of the best beers I've ever personally tasted but there's one problem.  Social media wise they aren't very active.  They don’t have a huge following on Facebook & Twitter and don’t even have an Instagram page.  They need a marketing campaign to help bring their popularity up and help their social media pages circle the net.  Here's my idea!

The Idea

Keith’s should create a 2 part campaign.  The first part is for fans to choose between new flavours of beer.  They vote by clicking on the link that will be posted on Facebook & Twitter. Then when they vote for a flavour, the post is shared or tweeted on whichever social media page they chose to click with.  This will help reach out to a wider audience. The more shares/tweets a flavour gets, the better chance of winning. This campaign will run for 2 months. The prize is as follows: Whichever flavour is chosen, 5 people from that flavour who shared/tweeted the most will be randomly selected to win a coupon for a free 6 pack of the new Alexander Keith’s flavour at their local LCBO when it’s launched.  Now for the 2nd part! Now that the flavour has been chosen, now is where the real fun begins. A campaign to create the new flavour Keith’s bottle design will run for 2 months until the end of July.  When a photo is submitted on the website, it will be posted on the newly designed Instagram account. They simply create a photo with the hashtags #AlexanderKeiths, #Canada & #Beer.  This will help the photos reach out to a wider audience to people who might be interested in the campaign.  Whichever photo receives the most likes by the end of 2 months will receive 10% of the beers profits during the remainder of the year(August-December).

The Audience

Beer lovers of course and people who want to try their hand at making some money for graphic design.

The Goal

I'm looking to create more traffic on Alexander Keith’s social media pages as well as their website.  The link to vote for the flavours and submit the design will direct them to the website.  Then it will be posted on the social media accounts.  We want people to share, tweet and like these photos so that their mutual friends see these posts and do the same thing.  I think this idea should be launched within a couple weeks so that the new flavour is launched by mid summer.  The summer time is when people get together and what better way to start the summer then with a new Alexander Keith’s flavour that you picked!

Let me know what you guys think of the new idea down below.  Would this be something you’d be interested in? If you have any campaign ideas that could help launch Alexander Keith’s into social media stardom we’d love to hear them!

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