Thursday 3 March 2016

Social Media Presence on Beer Brands: Stella Artois

In the business world, many companies are now heavily relying on social media and how it has impacted their business. One of the brands that will be talked about in this blog is Stella Artois and the digital marketing strategies they use for their brewery products.
Here are the social media platforms that there apart of:

When talking an in-depth look at Stella Artois performance on social media, you could agree that their most effective social media platform is Facebook due to the number of followers they have which is currently at 7.7 million likes on their page. Stella Artois posts pretty frequently but still struggle to post on a daily basis. The types of content that they produce to their audience is visual content promoting theirBuy A Lady A Drink campaign as well as the Give Beautifullyholiday campaign to promote brand awareness and awareness for the charities their involved with. The purpose of their content is to engage with their audience by using hash tags in their content as well as promoting their beer and having their audience become invested into purchasing their well-known Stella Artois chalice to help save women in need for clean water.
Stella Artois Facebook Home Page.
Stella Artois' #BuyALadyADrink Campaign.

Based on the findings, I believe that Stella Artois has established themselves as a well-known brand in the global community. Although I do feel as though they have the potential to grow their social media presence by using effective social media strategies such as posting on a daily basis and creating effective promotional strategies to get people talking on social media. An example could be by involving Stella Artois’By A Lady A Drinkcampaign and making it grow in the social media world and allow everybody to get involved. I feel as though the issue with this campaign is that not many people are aware of the campaign. An example that I believe Stella Artois should shadow off of is a company like Bell Canada, who uses the #BellLetsTalk to spread awareness for mental health and every tweet that is used with that hashtag will do directly to a mental health charity. I feel that by Stella Artois executing these strategies, they will increase their following and open more job opportunities for people to manage their social media interaction with their consumers.

Stella Artois Twitter Home Page.
#BellLetsTalk campaign to promote awareness for mental health.

Leave a comment below and let us know what you think Stella Artois should do to have an effective social media presence? 

1 comment:

  1. Yes that's true so far as now it’s being more competitive for make a branding of a business within public. According to the current market status now online presence analysis is being so successful media for aware system users about a business. For example as online analysis is one of the best options for marketing companies as Expert texting.

    online presence analysis
