Wednesday 23 March 2016

Sleeman Brewery vs Stella Artois on Facebook

Throughout this entire blog journey, you will be constantly looking at the comparison of two historic brands and how they perform with the social media powerhouses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. For today’s blog, will be the first in-depth chapter of looking at Sleeman brewery and Stella Artois in the Facebook world.

When looking into their performance, both Sleeman and Stella Artois have proactive moments on Facebook when releasing content to their viewers but overall are not very efficient when posting onto the platform. The type of content that both brands produce to their audience are mostly promotional content about any new products there introducing like Sleeman’s Dark Chocolate lager that they released in December and Stella’s historic bottle to represent the original creation of their brand. Both brand are doing a very good job when making content interesting and incorporating videos and images to help the consumer understand the content that each brand is producing. Sleeman and Stella Artois also create content that promotes events that their hosting along with any associated partners for their brand or event.
Sleeman announces partnership with Just For Laughs for their JFL Northwest event.

Another important factor to consider is how both brands use the 50/50 rule. Between these two brands, Stella Artois and Sleeman both have their fair share of providing their audience with the right amount of content that is not only informative but also collaborative and interesting for views to be educated but entertained. Stella Artois uses keyword sentences like “Buy a Lady a Drink Chalice”, “Give beautifully” and “reimagined dining” while Sleeman uses keyword sentences like “notoriously good beer”, “local Canadian beer” and “Sleeman speakeasy”. 

Over the recent posts each company has made, they both have had a decent amount of likes and comments. Sleeman’s best post in recent months has been there post about introducing there new Sleeman Chocolate Lager for the winter season, while Stella Artois most successful post in recent months comes from a post about announcing a five-course dinner event held in Toronto, called the Stella Artois Sensorium. I believe these posts were very well done because both included alt text images and videos and really engaged with audience to try new things that each company has to offer.

Who do you think wins the Facebook competition? Have your say in the comments below!

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